Telecom Trader
Membership Renewal

Use this page ONLY if you are NOW a member of the Telecom Trader.
If you are NOT a member or if your membership has expired and your listing has been removed, please go to the following page and complete the new member application.  Sign Me Up! 

If your company provides products and services purchased by our Members, please go to
Sponsor Info


All members should review their current state contractor listing for accuracy, changes and updates.  Review your current listing here: Telecommunications Contractors Available World Wide and then choose your home state listing.  Remember, web search engines will look for matches based on customer entered keywords.  For example, a customer may enter a specific product, required certification or license, and regional or state location.  There are literally hundreds of keyword combinations that find our web site.  A customer seeking a contractor will find your company if you use keywords in your listing that MATCH your products and abilities.  Please don't exaggerate. 

Please complete this short form to renew your membership upgrade. If you want to review membership categories, please go to this page:  Join Us


Member Renewal Form

PLEASE move through this form using your keyboard TAB key or mouse. 
If you hit ENTER - the form will be automatically submitted and you will have to start over again. 

Contact Information
* = Required Information

*Company Name *
*Your Name*  
*Your Title*
*Current Contact Name*
*Change Contact Name*
*Contact Name Title*:
Your Company Web site:

US Mailing Address: 
State: ZIP

  Toll Free:

Listing Change Information

Make the following changes to my State Contractor listing:
NOTE:  All listings are edited for consistent appearance, grammar, spelling etc. Listings should be kept to 100 words or less (prefer a lot less). You will be contacted if there are any questions (either way).   If there is no text in this box, your listing will not be changed.


Choose Renewal  Membership STATUS

Category Benefits Cost
Choose Option

All discounts will be applied at invoicing!

Member Option Description


Option#1 Contractor One Year
Contractor Membership $105 per year listing on Contractor State Page Listing, PLUS National Networks Listing (if applicable), PLUS Customer Inquiry referral (with no referral fee throughout term of membership).  Before you select this section, see the two year member offer in next row! $95/year
Option#2 Contractor Two Year
Contractor Membership extended for two (2) years! Best choice for great savings! $150 NOW
Option#3 -  Choose ME Please Choose ME!
Life Time Membership
$1000  Covers Forever!!!
Life Time Membership replaces Marketing Membership for renewals only!  One time payment for a lifetime of membership!!  NO more nagging about membership renewals forever and ever!  This category includes sincere gratitude for your continued sponsorship.  You may now choose to include your company logo on your listing in addition to all benefits listed above.  This fee will also include a reasonable amount of yearly updates and changes.  I'll decide what passes test of reasonableness! $1000 One Time Forever!
Marketing Member One Year

Option 3A
Marketing Member Two Year
Two Years

Marketing Membership includes sincere gratitude for your continued sponsorship.  You may now choose to include your company logo on your listing in addition to all benefits listed above.  Marketing Members are also welcome to participate in our email marketing distribution featuring your company in private email to all members. NOTE: Marketing Members can extend their membership for TWO years for $250.  That is a GREAT savings! $125/year

$200 for 2  years

Option #4


You may have your company listed in additional states for a flat rate $10 per state data entry charge. This fee includes reasonable changes when home state listing changes.
Add my company to the following States:  
Please add $10 per state to your total below. 
Option #6
National Networks - No Additional Charge
For ALL Options: If your company provides services on nationwide basis, you may be included in National Network Listing
No Additional
Charge if your company works nationwide
Option #7
Commercial Membership One Year
   $175 - $25 discount = $150
TWO Years
    $250 - $25 discount = $175
Choose this option if your company manufacturers or distributes products that are used by our members.  Your company is featured on our Commercial Membership page:  and you have the opportunity to send a sales related message to all of our members in our monthly newsletter. $175/year
$250 for 2 years

NOTE:  All discounts are applied at invoice!

Payment Options
To Pay Via PayPal Account:  PayPal  Account Email Address:

To Pay Via Check or Money Order - Invoice Sent Via Email as MS Word Document.

Desperate message to spam criminals:  Why do you persist?  No one answers!!  No one will buy your stupid products!!!  Please just go away.

My 7 yr old granddaughter says this will work:  Type the letters in the space on right side of animations.

Please remember to add to your email address list.  Your membership application will be confirmed with return response required. You MUST respond to personal confirmation email to proceed to approval status.


All Done.... Click Submit!

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